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Lacey Glover
Mar 28, 2024
Are you creating waves or going with the flow?
Take a moment to contemplate the title/question of this week’s blog. This can be a tough and in-your-face question.

Lacey Glover
Feb 21, 2024
Live in the moment and take pictures!
The day was supposed to be celebration of a historic victory as the Chief’s became back-to-back Super Bowl Champions.

Lacey Glover
Jan 31, 2024
Resolutions or Lifestyle changes?
Did you make any resolutions at the beginning of this month? Let me guess, it was to be healthier. I’m not mocking you. A lot, if not...

Lacey Glover
Jan 16, 2024
5 Surprising Way to Add Superseeds to Your Diet
We have had quite the frigid start to 2024. I hope everyone is staying as warm as possible and safe during the freezing temperatures that...

Lacey Glover
Dec 14, 2023
What is inflammation and is it bad?
How has it been a month since my last blog? This time of year seems to be a little crazier than normal, with all of the travel plans,...

Lacey Glover
Nov 13, 2023
5 Snooze Foods for Better Sleep
I am having difficulty believing that we have less than 60 days until we welcome in 2024! I am excited to finish up this year crushing my...

Lacey Glover
Oct 26, 2023
Meditation, how to begin.
The leaves are so beautiful right now! This past weekend was one of my favorite fall festivals, the Maple Leaf Festival, held in Baldwin...

Lacey Glover
Sep 28, 2023
Stress reveals character.
What a busy couple of weeks it has been for me! Rock Star Massage is continuing to grow and expand, with many new possibilities on the...

Lacey Glover
Sep 17, 2023
Pressure – does it make you stronger or weaker?
I have been loving the cooler temperatures over the past week! Cool mornings and warm afternoons are my happy place. I realize it is...

Lacey Glover
Aug 30, 2023
Conflict resolution: It cannot be avoided.
We had a break in the crazy heat this weekend in Kansas, just in time for our home preseason football game at GEHA field at Arrowhead...

Lacey Glover
Aug 16, 2023
Celebrate each season of your life!
Pretty bold title huh? Some seasons of our life are pretty tough to just survive, let alone celebrate. Trust me when I say that if you...

Lacey Glover
Aug 2, 2023
Life is tough, how do you stay in the fight?
This post is not going to a gripe fest or pity party. Instead let’s talk about how to succeed in life without becoming burnt out or...

Lacey Glover
Jul 19, 2023
Always learning!
What a wild weekend we had in Kansas, weather wise! I hope this finds y’all on the other side of the yard clean up, with power and...

Lacey Glover
Jun 21, 2023
Practice gratitude daily!
Has life been a little overwhelming for you lately? Just for me? Whenever I find myself feeling overwhelmed, I try to focus on something...

Lacey Glover
May 3, 2023
How is it May already?
I can’t believe April came and went without a blog post. I have obviously been extremely busy with work, family, and life in general!...

Lacey Glover
Mar 20, 2023
Who should you be listening to and who should you ignore?
It is hard to believe that March is coming to an end! I want to begin this week by thanking those who are sticking with me and continuing...

Lacey Glover
Feb 2, 2023
What a wild ride it has been so far this year!
How is it February already? This year has been a tornado of activity, at least in my world. I was expecting things to slow down, at least...

Lacey Glover
Dec 29, 2022
End of the year update.
Please excuse my extended absence as I have been recovering from yet another sinus infection, as well as focusing on building my immune...

Lacey Glover
Nov 10, 2022
Be grateful, every day for at least 5 things!
What a week it has been for me! I have family in town, which means my busy schedule is even crazier, but we are having so much fun! I...

Lacey Glover
Oct 26, 2022
Create a wellness plan to live your best life!
Being sick is no joke! I have not had a cold or sinus infection in over 2 years, until last week. I forgot what it is like to be sick and...
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