Time spent with family is the best and just what I needed after a long work week. My travels took me to Nebraska where it rained and snowed intermittently, making me question my decision to travel north. Great food and even better company more than made up for the crazy weather. Our family traditions are taking on new meaning as I view them from the adult perspective, watching my cousins’ children gather eggs and run around. Were you able to implement any new healthy eating habits? I personally found smaller serving sized to be extremely helpful and it gave me time to visit with different family members. This week we will discuss the cost of healthy eating.
It seems eating is expensive, no matter what you eat, but have you noticed that “junk food,” such as chips, often go on sale? Don’t get me wrong, they are sales on carrots, lettuce, and kale, but it is not usually advertised as heavily. You can pick up “complete” frozen meals much cheaper than you can purchase all the ingredients and make it yourself, not to mention the cost of your time to cook said meal. The following is a paper I wrote for my health coaching certification, and I hope it helps to give your perspective on the true cost of your eating habits.
Eating healthy may seem expensive right this minute but could end up saving you thousands of dollars and days/years in the long run. Hear me out:
Eating healthy may cost you more time in going to the grocery store and/or prep time. It may also cost you some time in doing research to discover healthy recipes. It may cost you a little frustration in the beginning as well, as you are learning new techniques for cooking healthy and flavorful food to be more mindful of what exactly you are putting in your body.
Are you ready for the good news!?! I am here to help you through the process. Before we begin the process, let me tell you how eating healthy now is going to save you money now and in the long term:
Decreased prescription drugs now and later in life
Healthy weight management means decreased risk of certain cardiovascular diseases
Option of growing your own food in a garden, tower garden or community garden
Imperfect Foods – delivery service
New skills could lead to a side hustle
New skills you can share with your family and friends that can potentially give you more time with them – truly priceless
You must choose your “expensive,” a little now can reap huge rewards. It’s about investing now versus spending later.
Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!
Have a blessed week ~ Lacey