August 27th, 2024
How in the world are we nearing the end of August already? It’s time for football and back to school! How have you been dealing with this late summer heat? I find myself watering my plants twice a day again to try to keep them alive. I have been using this time to prepare for my day/reflect on my day and being thankful for the life I have now. I know this probably sounds a little cheesy, but my life is not something I take for granted. Is my life perfect or free from struggles and trials? Absolutely not! I have learned to look for the good in every situation, even though it may really suck in that moment. Doing this has helped to shift my focus away from the negative towards the positive, which has helped to lower my stress level.
As the season and our daily routines change, we can experience extra stress. Do you have skills to manage your stress in a healthy and constructive manner? No? Do not worry, as you are not alone! Would you like to learn a couple new ways to deal with stress in a healthy manner? I will be hosting an online class at 2:00 on Saturday, September 28th, where we will find out what stress truly is and give you 10 ways to cope with it in a positive manner. I will also be offering stress management as part of my coaching program coming soon.
Providing you with simple, easy-to-apply principles has been one of my primary goals for years and a major factor in creating this blog. Reaching your goals takes time and often many milestones mark your progress along the way. When I began my massage career, I wanted to work with athletes. I wanted to help them prepare for practice and competition, as well as recovering from the physical strain they subjected their bodies to on a regular basis. The effects of everyday mental and emotional stress were not on my radar at all. I was completely unaware of the connection between mental/emotional stress and physical pain/discomfort. Over the past 5 years, I have been learning to appreciate the connection between stress to pain. I have continued to emphasize, to my clients, the importance of listening to your body throughout my career. Recently, my clients have been able to recognize when their stress levels are rising by noticing changes in their posture and pain levels.
Here is the link to my stress class on Saturday, September 28th at 2:00 or Saturday, November 2nd at 1:00 or Sunday, December 1st at 3:00. These classes will be offered in an online format for your convenience. In this class we will learn what stress is, healthy ways to cope and more.
Kidscents GeneYus essential oil from Young Living is a blend designed to promote a positive, inspiring and productive atmosphere for children. This oil also comes in a convenient roll-on, so you can send it to school with your child to use throughout the day. If you are interested in experiencing this blend or any of Young Living’s essential oils, contact me to schedule a time to meet. I welcome the opportunity to coach you in your wellness journey by exploring how YL Products can enhance this journey!
Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!
Have a blessed week y’all ~ Lacey